Oct/27 Weekly Blog, Week 6. (Parentheses) (Parentheses (Parentheses))
This week was about stacking defined images into a pattern called Sierpinski. I was unable to attend class this week, and I followed up with the lectures at home with the slides. I tried to do things ahead on my own, by peaking quickly below of the lecture .rkt and try to find my own answers first. I had some issues with creating a defined function to create 2 image beside each other with 1 on the top, named as 'stack'. The issue I have is with the parentheses! Especially when they start to get little long. If you look around during our CSC finals exam ( you really shouldn't if you are a student) and see someone counting along with their fingers tracing each open and closed parentheses, that would be me. Both of my hands are on the screen often to see if they all cover all expressions almost all the time. Even to the point that when my mom passed me by at the kitchen counter, she hinted that I should now realize that my laptop isn't touch screen. I...